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Highlighting Yogyakarta's Local Wisdom, the Opening of BKGN 2022 was a Grand Success

On Wednesday (19/10), the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo, and PT Unilever Indonesia through the Pepsodent brand once again organized the National Dental Health Month (BKGN). Collaborating with the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI) and the Indonesian Association of Dental Faculties (AFDOKGI), this year's BKGN addressed the theme "Recover Together with Healthy Smiles for Indonesia, Stronger Rise, Free from Cavities."

This year marks the first time BKGN has been held offline and in a hybrid format post-COVID-19 emergency response period, with strict health protocols strictly observed throughout the event. The BKGN UGM event spanned three days, from 19 October 2022 to 21 October 2022, hosted at FKG UGM and RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo.

The BKGN opening ceremony was festive, featuring the singing of the Indonesian national anthem and the Universitas Gadjah Mada hymn accompanied by Dentachresta, dance performances by UKM Swagayugama, and ribbon cutting by the Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA., Dean of FKG UGM, drg. Suryono, Ph.D., S.H., MM., drg. Jemima Fadhilah Damayanti, representing Professional Marketing Oral Care at Unilever Indonesia, accompanied by drg. Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto, MDSc., Sp.BMM(K), as the Committee Chairperson, RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo Directors, and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Dentistry at UGM.

During the event, the Dean of FKG UGM, drg. Suryono, Ph.D., S.H., MM., stated, "BKGN is held regularly every year in collaboration with PT Unilever, and this is the first time post-COVID-19 that we have conducted it offline. This BKGN highlights Yogyakarta's local wisdom, including providing free services to 'buruh gendhong' at Pasar Beringharjo. We hope these services provided will benefit the community."

In line with the Dean's remarks, this year's BKGN provided free services to 15 'buruh gendhong' at Pasar Beringharjo and the abdi dalem of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace. Additionally, dental health check-ups will be provided to elementary schools following the three-day event.

Representing PT Unilever, drg. Jemima Fadhilah Damayanti expressed gratitude, stating, "We extend our thanks to the Faculty of Dentistry at UGM, RSGM Prof. Soedomo, PDGI, Local Government, and the Health Department for the successful and smooth 13-year implementation of BKGN." Therefore, this year's BKGN also provided merchandise such as toothbrushes and Pepsodent toothpaste for health examination participants.

Through BKGN, this year is an excellent opportunity to educate the public about the importance of dental and oral health, as the Vice-Rector of UGM highlighted in his remarks.

This BKGN involves more than 150 dentists, 50 nurses, and every day serves 100 dental care patients and 50 teledentistry patients. The treatment actions carried out are simple tooth extraction, simple tooth filling, tartar cleaning (scaling), fissure sealant, topical fluoride application, x-rays, and medicine services.

"Firstly, I congratulate FKG for showing great empathy towards the community. I also appreciate PT Unilever's support in providing free dental services to the most vulnerable segments of our society. Dental health is crucial for productivity," concluded drg. Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto, MDSc., Sp.BMM(K), as the chairperson of BKGN UGM 2022.


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