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FKG UGM Doctoral Students Participate in International Publication Quality Improvement Program in Turkey

Students from the Doctoral Program in Dental Sciences at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), participated in the International Publication Quality Improvement Program (IPQIP) in Istanbul, Turkey.

Among the participants was Andari Sarasati, a 2022 cohort student and recipient of the Master’s Degree to Doctoral Degree Scholarship for Excellent Graduates (PMDSU). This scholarship opened up opportunities for her to conduct research at Acibadem University for six months, from 3 December 2023, to 31 May 2024. The program aims to encourage the enhancement of the quality of international scientific publications. 

As a PKPI-PMDSU scholarship recipient, Andari had the opportunity to deepen her research in the field of oral mucosal tissue engineering at the Biomaterials Center Laboratory of Acibadem University.

During the program, she was guided by Prof. Dr. Vasif Hasirci, Prof. Dr. Halime Kenar, and Prof. Deniz Yucel. The research focused on developing an in vitro model of buccal mucosa tissue, aimed at serving as a medium for trans-epithelial nanoparticle delivery testing. 

In addition to conducting research, Andari actively wrote manuscripts for international publication, which is expected to enhance her experience, competence, and the quality of data for her dissertation research and resulting publications.

Andari’s achievements demonstrate that Indonesian women can compete internationally in the field of science. Her success in obtaining a prestigious scholarship and conducting research at a renowned university serves as an inspiration for the younger generation, especially women, to pursue their dreams and achieve accomplishments. Andari shows that gender is not a barrier to attaining higher education and contributing to the advancement of science.

Contributors: Andari Sarasati, Suci Agustina | Author: Pram


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