

Latest News, SDG 17, SDG 4

FKG UGM Master's Students Participate in Short Course at Okayama University, Japan

Okayama, Japan – Four graduate students from the Master’s Program in Dental Science (IKG) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), participated in a short course at the Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Dental School of Okayama University, Japan, on 26-27 August 2024. 

This event is a significant step in building international collaboration and providing students with new perspectives in the fields of biomaterials research and oral biology, aligning with efforts to create quality education, which is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This short course included three students interested in Dental Biomaterials and one student focusing on Oral Biology and Immunology, accompanied by Drg. Heni Susilowati, M.Kes. The delegation from FKG UGM was welcomed by Prof. Hirohiko Okamura, DDS, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Oral Morphology at Okayama University, on 25 August 2024. 

During their visit, the students had the opportunity to discuss and learn about the diagnostic and research facilities used in the respective departments. “This program provided extremely valuable insights, especially regarding the use of research facilities at the University Hospital,” said one participating student. 

Additionally, students received in-depth explanations about the latest technologies in biomaterials and oral biology, which will be highly beneficial for their research.

On the second day, Tuesday (27 August), the group of students and faculty from FKG UGM also met with the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at Okayama University, Prof. Satoshi Kubota, DDS, Ph.D. In the meeting, Drg. Heni Susilowati expressed appreciation for the opportunity provided to UGM students to study at Okayama University. 

“We hope that the collaboration between FKG UGM and Okayama University will continue to develop, opening new opportunities in research and education,” she stated. The meeting was also attended by Drg. Heriati Sitosari, MDSc, a doctoral student at FKG UGM who is set to complete her studies in September 2024.

The short course activity is expected to be an initial step toward opening further cooperation between FKG UGM and Okayama University, not only in education but also in research. 

Therefore, this program supports the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Authors: Tryanindita and Pram


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