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Latest News, SDG 16, SDG 3, SDG 4

UGM Dentistry Students Learn Dentoalveolar Fixation

142 sixth-semester undergraduate dental students from the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) participated in the Oral Surgery Management 2 Practicum on Thursday and Friday, 6-7 June 2024. Held at the Preclinical Laboratory on the 5th floor of the OECF Building, the practicum focused on Dentoalveolar Fracture Fixation using the Ivy, Stout’s, and Essig methods.

Dentoalveolar fixation involves immobilizing dentoalveolar fracture fragments and repositioning teeth to their original positions before the fracture occurs.

Residents in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery supervised this practicum. The supervising residents stated that the purpose of this practicum is to support healing, reconnect bones, and restore tooth strength. The healing procedure uses wire, composite, and wire/fiber. The most crucial aspect of fixation is ensuring normal occlusion is restored.

Dentoalveolar trauma affects the hard tissues of the teeth, pulp, and supporting tissues, such as the periodontal tissue, alveolar bone, and soft tissue. Symptoms include a history of trauma causing tooth loosening, displacement, loss of teeth, and bleeding in the gingival area. One of the leading causes of dentoalveolar fractures is traffic accidents.

This activity aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the third pillar (Good Health and Well-Being), the fourth pillar (Quality Education), and the sixteenth pillar (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). Students are expected to master the skills of dentoalveolar fixation after completing this practicum.


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