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Dental Hygiene Student Wins 3rd Place in UGM Sales Competition 2024

Annisa Sastro Diyono, a student from the Dental Hygiene Program (PSHG) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), secured 3rd place in the UGM Sales Competition held at the Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC) on Thursday, 29 August. 

In this competition, participants were challenged to solve Business to Business (B2B) problems with the goal of reaching mutually beneficial agreements. Annisa impressed the judges with her negotiation skills and sales strategy. Her success in the competition led to her selection as UGM’s representative for the upcoming national-level competition, the Indonesia Sales Competition.

“This was the first sales competition I participated in. It's a great honor to learn in a field beyond my undergraduate education," she said in an interview on Saturday, August 31. Annisa added that she aims to continue contributing positively, achieving more success in the future, and upholding the good name of FKG UGM.

The involvement of Bank BSI as a case collaborator allowed students to tackle real-world business problems, sharpening their skills for the workforce. Additionally, the competition aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 4 (Quality Education). 

Annisa's achievement is not only a source of pride for FKG UGM but also highlights the university's commitment to supporting the development of student skills for both national and global competition.

Author: Pram | Editor: Fajar Budi H.


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