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FKG UGM Students Achieve Success in the 2024 Orthodontic Specialist Competency Exam

Yogyakarta, 29 July 2024 – The Orthodontic Specialist Competency Exam, organized by the Indonesian Orthodontic Specialists College at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), has become a national benchmark for assessing the quality of prospective orthodontic specialists from various regions in Indonesia. 

The event was attended by students from six leading dental education institutions in Indonesia, including Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Padjadjaran, and Universitas Sumatera Utara. Participants underwent a rigorous and comprehensive series of examinations, including a computer-based test (CBT), Wire Bending skills exam, and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). 

The competency exam is designed to thoroughly evaluate prospective orthodontic specialists, covering theoretical, practical, and clinical aspects. The initial stage, the computer-based theory exam, assesses participants’ in-depth understanding of orthodontics. The Wire Bending skills exam measures participants' precision in manipulating orthodontic wires, an essential skill in orthodontic practice. Finally, the OSCE evaluates participants' abilities to diagnose and plan orthodontic treatment in realistic scenarios. 

In this highly competitive exam, students from the Orthodontics Study Program at UGM’s Faculty of Dentistry achieved remarkable success, attaining high rankings in various categories. The following UGM students excelled in the exam: 1. Drg. Marshanti Emmadita, Sp.Ort: 3rd Overall, 3rd in Wire Bending Skills Exam 2. Drg. Sarah Fitria Romadhoni, Sp.Ort: 4th Overall, 6th in Wire Bending Skills Exam, 1st in OSCE 3. Drg. Alicia Devina Hendrawan, Sp.Ort: 5th Overall, 5th in Theory Exam (CBT), 1st in OSCE 4. Drg. Mierna Fatima, Sp.Ort: 6th Overall, 4th in Theory Exam (CBT) 5. Drg. Tegar Arviga, Sp.Ort: 7th Overall, 4th in Theory Exam (CBT), 1st in OSCE These achievements demonstrate the high quality of education at UGM and the dedication and hard work of the students in honing their competencies. 

According to Drg. Christinawati, M.Kes., Sp.Ort (K), the chair of the local competency exam committee, she expressed appreciation for the extraordinary achievements of UGM students. “We extend our highest appreciation for the outstanding achievements of the students in the Orthodontics Study Program. This result is a tangible proof of the quality of education and our students’ commitment to high competency standards. We are optimistic that they will become competent orthodontic specialists and make significant contributions to improving dental and oral health in Indonesia.” 

This competency exam is a crucial first step for prospective orthodontic specialists as they enter the professional world and make tangible contributions to enhancing community dental and oral health. With proven competencies, they are ready to face challenges in the field of orthodontics and provide the best service for patients. 

The event supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, Goal 4: Quality Education, and Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. It is hoped that these orthodontic specialists will play an active role in improving health quality, supporting quality education, and driving economic growth through their profession. Their contributions align with SDG 10: Reduced Inequality and SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, as access to care indirectly enhances the well-being of communities across various regions. 

Contributor: Orthodontics Department UGM | Editor: Bagas Prakoso D..


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