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FKG UGM Students Care About Mental Health

Mental health has become an important issue among students, especially when academic and social pressures intersect. Understanding the importance of maintaining mental health, students can discover more effective strategies for managing stress.

Students from the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), part of the Ambassador Health Promoting University program, participated in the “From-By-For Ambassador HPU” event held at the Kresna Auditorium, 5th Floor of the UGM Academic Hospital on Thursday (3/10/2024).

Pada kegiatan ini, peserta diberi pemahaman mendalam tentang berbagai isu kesehatan mental termasuk tanda-tanda awal gangguan mental, cara merespons teman yang mungkin mengalami masalah tersebut, serta informasi tentang pencegahan bunuh diri. Peserta juga diberikan penjelasan mengenai alur layanan kesehatan mental yang tersedia di lingkungan kampus bagi mereka yang membutuhkan bantuan.

This event was designed to reduce the stigma associated with mental health among students, emphasizing the importance of openness and non-discrimination in discussing this issue. 

According to Firda Cahya, a member of the Health Promotion team at FKG UGM, “Mental health is no longer a nightmare that we should avoid discussing. In fact, by expressing mental health issues to experts, we can find the right solutions.”

Throughout the event, it was emphasized that everyone has the right to access education and mental health services, regardless of their background. With an inclusive approach, this event encouraged students not to hesitate to seek help, both for themselves and for friends in need.

One of the most pressing topics discussed was suicide prevention. Participants were educated on how to recognize warning signs in individuals at risk. 

This is crucial considering the rising rates of suicide among young adults. The RSA UGM also provided practical information on how students can access mental health services on campus, ensuring that the process is easy and uncomplicated.

“Students often feel scared or ashamed to admit that they are experiencing mental health problems,” explained a speaker from RSA UGM. 

“However, early intervention is vital to prevent undesirable outcomes. With mental health services available on campus, we hope more students will seek help,” they added.

The event focused not only on delivering information but also on motivating participants to become part of the change. The HPU Ambassadors are committed to continuing to raise awareness and create a supportive environment for mental health among students. They believe that through education and advocacy, the stigma attached to mental health can be eradicated.

Following the event, participants were encouraged to share the knowledge they gained with their respective communities. It is hoped that these HPU ambassadors can become agents of change who encourage their peers to be more caring and open about mental health issues.

Kegiatan ini sejalan dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) tujuan ke-3 Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan yang Baik dan tujuan ke-4 Pendidikan Berkualitas.

Contributors: HPU Ambassadors FKG UGM | Authors: Firda Cahya, Pram
Photo: Freepik


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