

Latest News, SDG 8

FKG UGM Students Encourage Entrepreneurial Creativity through Digital Technology

In an effort to promote creativity and innovation among students, the Department of Creative Economy of the Student Executive Body (BEM KM) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), has launched a program called "Want to Sell." This initiative aims to provide promotional facilities for entrepreneurs, including FKG UGM students and participants from outside the university. 

Want to Sell" takes place every week at the end of the month, utilizing Instagram as the primary platform for promotion. This initiative not only supports students in marketing their products but also encourages collaboration between internal and external stakeholders. By leveraging social media, the program aims to reach a wider audience and create opportunities for local businesses to grow.

The program serves as a platform for entrepreneurs to promote their events and products. It provides a space for entrepreneurs to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on various projects. Promotional activities are shared through multiple channels, including the BEM KM UGM Line group, the FKG UGM student Line group (for students from 2021 to 2014), and the Instagram account @molarizm.

In addition to promoting products, "Want to Sell" also serves as a place for entrepreneurs to share their experiences and insights. Workshops and discussions are held to help participants develop their entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. The educational aspect of this program aligns with the SDGs by promoting lifelong learning and fostering a culture of innovation.

The promotional activities are designed to be engaging and interactive, encouraging audience participation. By utilizing Instagram features such as stories and live sessions, the program aims to create a dynamic online experience that captures viewers' attention and fosters engagement. This innovative approach to promotion is crucial in today’s digital era, where social media plays a significant role in business success. The program is designed to foster a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Contributors: Annisa, Rarti Galuh Nirmala Dewi | Author: Bagas Prakoso


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