

Latest News, SDG 4

FKG UGM Students Provide Dental Health Services to Elementary School Students

Although dental health is often overlooked by some, its impact can significantly affect the quality of life, especially for school-aged children. Students from the Dental Medicine Professional Program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), held a School Dental Health Program (UKGS) at SDN Nogopuro on 27-28 August 2024. This initiative aimed to provide dental health services to students.

This effort is part of the field learning program implemented by the Department of Preventive Dentistry and Community Dental Health (IKG & IKGM). By enhancing educational quality through practical learning experiences, students are expected to master dental technology in community service according to the competency standards for dentists, particularly concerning professionalism, community dental health, and practice management. 

The activities included dental health education, instructions on proper tooth brushing techniques, dental examinations conducted by clinical students, and ended with height and weight measurements, culminating in a group tooth brushing activity.

The event was also attended by several lecturers, including drg. Fitrina Rachmadanty Siregar, MPH, drg. M. Fahmi Alfian, MPH, and drg. Agatha Ravi Vidiastatri, MPH, among other professionals. "In this case, they diagnosed dental health issues, provided education on oral hygiene, and offered solutions for preventing dental diseases to the students," said Fahmi Alfian. 

The UKGS program at SDN Nogopuro is an important step in shaping students' experiences in diagnosing dental health issues and identifying solution efforts based on scientific studies. This initiative indirectly supports public health development efforts in the future.

The activities provided support for sustainable development goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 4, which ensures quality education. In this context, students not only learn theoretically but also practice their knowledge to improve dental health in the surrounding community. 

Author: Elisabet | Editor: Bagas Prakoso


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