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FKG UGM Graduates Share Strategies for Achieving the Highest GPA

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) graduated 26 new dentists in the III Yudisium ceremony on 17 September 2024. The event was held at the Meeting Room of the OECF Building and attended by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, the Head of the Dental Professional Program, the Secretary of the Dental Professional Program, the Head of the Department, the Responsible Officer for Clinical Education, the Education Staff Committee, and the students participating in the Yudisium.

The highest GPA award for this Yudisium period was achieved by Karina Dewi Octavianika. Karina shared that she did not have any specific ambitions. “Actually, I didn’t have a special ambition to achieve the highest GPA. However, throughout the clinical education, I tried my best, both in studying and in patient care. Of course, there were prayers and encouragement from my family and close ones that helped me complete my clinical education well,” she said.

According to Karina, the UKMP2DG exam in this period was more difficult than previous ones. “In the OSCE exam, there was a topic that unexpectedly appeared. Then, the CBT UKMP2DG in this period was harder compared to the CBT Try Out National,” she explained.

Karina also shared her strategy for overcoming burnout during clinical education. “I relieve stress by exercising or spending time with friends. Joining study groups or patient care teams helped to reignite my spirit,” she explained. This approach highlights the importance of mental health and well-being in the educational process.

At the end of the interview, Karina shared her hopes and messages for her peers. “I hope we all succeed in the future and become dentists who can benefit those around us,” she said.

Karina’s dedication and collaborative spirit demonstrate the importance of commitment, hard work, and good teamwork in achieving success in dental clinical education. In addition to the role of educators in guiding students, the support and prayers from family and friends are crucial for boosting students' motivation. This step reflects the collective efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 3 and Goal 4, which focus on ensuring healthy lives and well-being, as well as providing quality education.

Authors : Niswati FR, Dhea | Editor : Bagas Prakoso


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