
The Integrated Research Laboratory of the

Laboratorium Riset Terpadu (LRT) berlokasi di Gedung Dental Learning Center Lantai 5. Laboratorium Riset Terpadu (LRT) FKG UGM merupakan fasilitas bersama yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua peneliti terutama peneliti dilingkungan FKG UGM.


Coordinate with the University's Quality Assurance Office in the implementation of quality assurance:

  1. implement and develop quality assurance tools that have been determined by KJM in quality assurance activities at the faculty level.
  2. socialize and coordinate the implementation of quality assurance at the faculty level.
  3. monitor and self-evaluate quality assurance at the faculty level.


Planning the work program of the Quality Assurance Unit

Planning and coordinating the Faculty Quality Assurance System including the implementation of the External Quality Assurance System (SPME) and the External Quality Assurance System (SPMI) together with the Faculty SPMI Coordinator and the established teams including the academic monitoring and evaluation team and the Faculty service management monitoring and evaluation team.

SPMI Implementation

SPMI implementation includes:

  1. Coordinate with the University Quality Assurance Office (KJM) to prepare the implementation of integrated Internal Quality Audit (AMI) in the Faculty (determination of assessors, coordination with study programs, scheduling AMI study programs, documentation, and reporting).
  2. Coordinating the Semester Coordinator Team (TKS) to carry out monitoring and evaluation (monev) of semester learning activities to report the results of monev to the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and the TK2A and K3A Teams.
  3. Monitor the implementation of quality assurance of Faculty management services and the tridharma field.
  4. Monitor the implementation of quality assurance in the fields of Academic and Research and Community Service at the faculty level together with the Head of the relevant Unit.
  5. Create and complete faculty quality documents

SPME Implementation

SPME implementation includes:

  1. Monitor Prodi accreditation
  2. Coordinate with Prodi in preparation for re-accreditation, preparation of accreditation documents, and visitation activities.
  3. Coordinate with unit heads, heads of administrative offices, and section heads as the accreditation team of the Study Program Management Unit (Faculty) under the direction of the Associate Dean in the preparation of accreditation documents related to the Faculty.


To become a laboratory in the field of dentistry that is superior and innovative in the fields of education and research and a reference for educational institutions in Indonesia.


  1. Organizing Preclinical Practicum and Skills Lab for students of FKG UGM and other institutions.
  2. Provide research facilities for the academic community associated with Preclinical Laboratories and Skills Labs.
  3. Provide and develop digital dental laboratories in accordance with global developments
  4. Develop cooperation with other laboratories to improve the quality and performance of the Preclinical Lab and Skills Lab.

