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Visit from SMA 3 Cimahi: Broadening Students’ Horizons on Campus Life

On 31 May 2024, the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) welcomed a visit from SMA 3 Cimahi. The event took place in the Margono Soeradji Hall and was attended by 100 students.

Tatik, the accompanying teacher, expressed her delight at the opportunity to visit FKG UGM. 

"We are very pleased to have the chance to learn about FKG UGM through this visit," said Tatik. "I ask FKG UGM to kindly provide tips and motivation to the students of SMA 3 Cimahi so that they continue to have a high spirit of learning to achieve their dream campus."

The main objective of this visit was to broaden students' horizons about campus life and introduce them to the academic environment at FKG UGM. 

FKG UGM featured a speaker, Prof. Drg. Supriatno, M.Kes., MDSc., Ph.D., a lecturer from the Department of Oral Medicine. He provided a brief history of the establishment of FKG UGM, introduced the study programs, and explained the admission pathways to UGM.

In an enthusiastic atmosphere, the students eagerly asked several questions to Prof. Drg. Supriatno without hesitation.

He explained how FKG UGM has contributed to the development of dental science and dental health services in Indonesia. He also outlined the various admission pathways to UGM, including the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), and UGM Independent Examination.

This visit aimed to inspire SMA 3 Cimahi students to achieve their dreams and expand their knowledge about the academic world. It is hoped that this visit will be a valuable moment for them in choosing the right educational path for their future.

FKG UGM is very open to anyone interested in studying here. The selection process supports gender equality, ensuring that both women and men have equal opportunities to study at FKG UGM, provided they follow the established selection process.

This activity is a manifestation of FKG UGM's commitment to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially pillar 4 (Quality Education), pillar 5 (Gender Equality), and pillar 17 (Partnership for the Goals).


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