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Visit of UGM Faculty of Dentistry's Conservation Department to the Restorative and Esthetic Department of Thammasat University 

A team from the Conservation Department of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), made a working visit to the Restorative and Esthetic Department at the Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University, Thailand, on 16 January 2024. The visit took place on the 4th floor of the Ratchasuda Building at Thammasat University Dental Hospital (RSGM Thammasat).

The delegation, which included Dr. Yulita Kristanti, M.Kes., Sp.KG (K), Dr. Tunjung Nugraheni, M.Kes., Sp.KG (K), and Dr. Rahmadani Puspitasari, MDSc., aimed to expand their knowledge about the latest facilities, materials, and technologies in restorative and esthetic treatments at Thammasat University. “The facilities here are comprehensive and modern, which greatly assists in providing quality care,” said Dr. Yulita Kristanti.

The Restorative and Esthetic Department at Thammasat University boasts 12 clinical rooms, including a digital dentistry room with chairside CAD/CAM technology, a supply room, a sterilization room, an X-ray room, and a meeting room. Procedures conducted include single crown treatments, dental fillings, bridges, direct and indirect restorations, and implants. “Interestingly, each student handling a patient is always accompanied by a dental assistant to ensure the quality of care,” noted Dr. Tunjung Nugraheni.

In addition to observing clinical procedures, the UGM delegation also studied key research developments, such as rubber-based clamps and medication using cannabis.

This visit supports SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 17 (Partnerships to Achieve the Goal). It is a strategic step to strengthen relations between Indonesia and Thailand in dental education and to support the development of the latest technology and research.

Author: Diva Luthfiana


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