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Public Lecture on Auto Tooth Bonegraft and Implant Procedures: Academic and Industry Collaboration for Quality Education

On Wednesday, 18 September 2024, the Periodontology Specialist Study Program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) Yogyakarta, held a public lecture themed “Auto Tooth Bonegraft (ATB) and Implant Procedures.” 

The event was presented by alumni, drg. Ericka Winda Setiawaty, Sp.Perio, who is actively involved in implant practices and periodontal care. 

This activity served not only as an educational platform but also as a forum for collaboration between academia and industry, in line with the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

The Chair of the Periodontology Specialist Study Program, drg. Kwartarini Murdiastuti, Sp.Perio., SubSp.R.P.I.D (K), emphasized the importance of continuous education for both academics and clinical practitioners in her opening remarks. 

“Education never stops; we must continuously enrich our knowledge for optimal health services,” she stated.

In the main session, drg. Ericka delved deeply into the concept of Auto Tooth Bonegraft, an innovative method to enhance the success of implant procedures. 

She outlined the various benefits of ATB in clinical scenarios, including improved bone integration and faster recovery. She also presented several cases demonstrating the success of this method. 

“Every case has its uniqueness, and that’s what makes this field so exciting to study further,” she remarked, inspiring residents to stay enthusiastic about pursuing advanced expertise.

The discussion session was interactive, with residents eagerly asking questions about the challenges and potential applications of ATB in the field. 

drg. Ericka then detailed the steps for implant placement, followed by a live demonstration using the Bonmaker tool for ATB preparation. This provided residents with a real opportunity to observe how the process is conducted in the clinic.

The second part of the activity consisted of hands-on practice in implant placement using the Implant Direct system, supported by PT Gratia Jaya Mulia (GJM) as an industry partner. 

This collaboration underscores the importance of partnership between the education and industry sectors in enhancing the practical skills of residents. Participants expressed that this practical experience was immensely beneficial in bridging theory with clinical application.

In conclusion, drg. Ericka encouraged residents to maintain their enthusiasm for learning, especially in the field of dental implants. 

“The cases I presented are just a few of the many that can be shared among periodontology specialists, as each case has unique backgrounds and treatments,” she stated as a closing remark.


This public lecture demonstrated how collaboration between academia and industry can enhance the quality of specialist education. Such activities support the achievement of the SDGs by providing quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. 

At the end of the event, many participants expressed that they were greatly helped by the combination of theory and hands-on practice, reinforcing their understanding of implant procedures and ATB.

At the end of the event, many participants expressed that they were greatly helped by the combination of theory and hands-on practice, reinforcing their understanding of implant procedures and ATB. The lecture not only updated their knowledge but also reaffirmed the importance of continuous learning in developing competent Periodontology Specialists, contributing to a better future for dental health.

Authors: drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio., SubSp. R.P.I.D (K)., Pram


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