

Latest News, SDG 17, SDG 3, SDG 4

Expert Lecture on Pediatric Dentistry: Comprehensive Management for Craniofacial and Special Needs Cases 

The Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), held an expert lecture on comprehensive management for craniofacial and special needs cases on 13 July 2024. The participants included Pediatric Dentistry Residents and Lecturers of FKG UGM. 

The lecture featured two speakers from the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Airlangga, namely Prof. Dr. Drg. Sindy Cornelia Nelwan, Sp.KGA, Subsp.KKA(K) and Prof. Drg. Tania Saskianti, Ph.D., Sp.KGA, Subsp.AIBK(K). During the session, Prof. Sindy and Prof. Tania delivered material on the comprehensive treatment of children with complex craniofacial conditions and special needs. 

“This event is crucial for enhancing students’ understanding of handling special cases that require extra attention,” said Prof. Sindy Cornelia. The event was interactive, with a discussion session that allowed participants to delve deeper into the material presented.

The primary goal of the event was to broaden participants' knowledge in the field of craniofacial and special needs cases, as well as to update their expertise with information from other educational centers. 

Through this event, FKG UGM contributed to the achievement of SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 4 (Quality Education), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). The program is expected to strengthen inter-institutional cooperation and enhance the quality of education in pediatric dentistry, particularly in managing complex cases.

Contributor: drg. Arif | Author: Diva Luthfiana


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