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Collaboration between FKG UGM and PT Haleon Provides Prosthetic Dental Services for the Community

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) has partnered with PT Haleon Indonesia to organize a Community Service event focused on dental health services and the creation of prosthetic teeth. The activities took place at two locations: Bangunharjo Village, Sewon, Bantul, and Kapanewon Mlati, Sleman, on Saturday and Sunday, 10-11 August 2024.

This initiative was made possible through the collaboration of medical personnel, including 11 lecturers, 32 residents, and 69 students from the Prosthodontics Specialist Program and Oral Medicine Specialist Program. On Saturday, 207 residents registered, with 162 passing the selection and receiving services. Meanwhile, on Sunday, out of 228 registrants, 135 received treatment.

The initiative received positive feedback from the community beneficiaries. According to Parmin, residents expressed their gratitude for the presence of the FKG UGM team. “If (FKG UGM) comes here again, I want to have my teeth checked again,” he said.

In addition to providing prosthetic teeth services, health education was offered to the community to raise awareness about the importance of dental care, both for natural teeth and dentures. PT Haleon, as a collaborator, introduced Polident products to assist residents in caring for their prosthetic teeth to ensure they function properly.

“This is an opportunity for us, Polident, to be directly involved in community service. Through this activity, we not only help restore smiles by providing prosthetic teeth but also improve their quality of life,” said Haris Widyanto, a representative from Sensodyne & Polident Indonesia.

Haris also mentioned that there will be a subsequent stage, which involves the delivery of the printed prosthetic teeth in September 2024. He hopes that this initiative can continue and be sustainable, collaborating with all relevant parties to strengthen ties in the future.

Through effective collaboration between PT Haleon and FKG UGM, along with support from various stakeholders, the activities successfully met their targets and made a significant impact on the surrounding community. “We hope that activities like this can continue in the future and help more people,” Haris expressed hopefully. “Restoring smiles, #Return to Confidence.”

The activities were not only focused on physical health but also indirectly aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Pillar 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and Pillar 17 (Partnerships to Achieve the Goals). Therefore, the activities not only provided direct benefits to the participating community but also contributed to the overall improvement of community welfare.

Author: Bagas Prakoso D. | Editor: Fajar Budi H.


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