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FKG-Fapet Collaboration Improves Quality of Life for UGM Faculty of Animal Science Community

The Faculty of Dentistry, in collaboration with the Faculty of Animal Science at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), organized a joint program featuring a mini talk show and dental check-ups on Friday (21/06) at the Faculty of Animal Science campus.

This event was held from 07:15 to 10:30 AM as part of the Pos Pembinaan Terpadu (Posbindu) Health Promoting University (HPU) program of Fapet UGM, in cooperation with RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo. A total of 20 personnel from FKG UGM participated in the event, including lecturers, administrative staff, professional students (interns), and pre-clinic students (undergraduates). 

Dr. Tjut Intan Permatasari, Sp.PM, the HPU FKG UGM Coordinator, attended and led a  mini talk show titled "Maintaining Oral and Dental Health to Improve the Quality of Life for the Faculty of Animal Science Community" at the ASLC Building of Fapet UGM. 

In talk show,drg. Intan emphasized that dental and oral care should begin as early as possible. "Even baby teeth should not be neglected and should be cleaned after breastfeeding," she advised. "Our mouth is like a gateway, meaning it must be kept in good and clean condition," she added. 

The dental check-ups were conducted simultaneously outside the building using portable dental units in an ambulance owned by FKG UGM, with 70 members of the Faculty of Animal Science community participating. 

"This is the first time such an event has been held at Fapet, so the response has been quite enthusiastic," said the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources of the Faculty of Animal Science, Ir. Andriyani Astuti, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.

After this event, it is hoped that a positive culture of daily dental and oral health maintenance will be established. 

This activity is closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals particularly Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), fourth (Quality Education), and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). 

Author: Nadia Fauzia | Photo: Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat


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