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Terms of Instagram Thematic Photo Competition in Commemoration of the 74th Anniversary of FKG UGM


Participants of the Instagram Thematic Photo Competition are Alumni, Lecturers, Staff Members, and Students of FKG UGM.


The Instagram Thematic Photo Competition in commemoration of the 74th Anniversary of FKG UGM carries a different theme for each participant, namely:

  1. Theme for alumni participants: Regional Tourism
  2. Theme for lecturers, staff members, and students: a) KG Corner (unique spot/corner in FKG UGM): b) Flora


  1. Participants can be individuals or groups.
  2. Each participant can submit only 1 (one) photo.
  3. The photo location should adhere to the category-specific guidelines while following health protocols.
  4. Student participants:

Must follow IG accounts @fkgugm, @dies74fkgugm, @kemahasiswaanbkmfkgugm, and subscribe to the UGM FKG and Kakgigama FKG UGM YouTube channels.

Upload the photo on the participant's IG account (please don't set the IG account to private) and tag IG @dies74fkgugm, also include hashtags #diesnatalisfkgugm74 #lombafotomahasiswafkgugm74.

  1. Alumni participants:

Must follow IG accounts @fkgugm, @dies74fkgugm, @kakgigama, and subscribe to the UGM FKG and Kakgigama FKG UGM YouTube channels.

Upload the photo on the participant's IG account (please don't set the IG account to private) and tag IG @dies74fkgugm, also include hashtags #diesnatalisfkgugm74 #lombafotoalumnifkgugm74.

  1. Include the link to the uploaded work in the participant registration form.
  2. The submitted photo becomes the property of the participant; the committee can use the photo freely for education, socialization, and publication within FKG UGM while acknowledging the creator's copyright.
  3. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be contested.



  1. Photo aligns with the theme.
  2. Types of cameras allowed: DSLR, pocket camera, smartphone camera.
  3. Photos should not undergo extensive editing, such as combining 2 photos into 1 (blending/superimposition, etc.); digital editing is allowed only for improving photo quality without altering the subject's authenticity (sharpening, cropping, color balance, contrast & brightness, and color saturation), in JPG format.
  4. Color and black-and-white photo formats are accepted in digital media.
  5. Include a title and caption in the photo.
  6. Photos should not contain non-photographic elements like signatures, frames, watermarks, pornography, sensitive topics, etc.
  7. The photo must be an original work of the participant.
  8. Winning photos remain the property of the participant, and the committee has the right to publish them in media while acknowledging the owner's copyright.
  9. The committee is not responsible for copyright violations and legal claims from third parties.


No. Judging Criteria Percentage
Relevance of the photo to the theme "Regional Tourism/KG Corner/Flora" 40%
Aesthetics, originality, and creativity 40%
Photo popularity based on the number of likes in the upload 20%


Registration and upload: 21 January – 21 February 2022

Registration for the 74th FKG UGM Anniversary Competition through

Judging period: 22 - 28 February 2022

Announcement: 1 March 2022


This work reference framework is created as a guide for the Instagram Thematic Photo Competition in commemoration of the 74th Anniversary of FKG UGM. For more information, please contact: drg. Anggun Dwi Andini 081901244930 (WhatsApp)


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