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Still Lacking in Indonesia, FKG UGM Graduates 13 Specialist Dentists

Drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, stated that the number of specialist dentists in Indonesia is minimal. "Specialist dentists play a crucial role in improving the quality of oral and dental health in Indonesia," she said at the graduation ceremony for specialist dentists on 21 June 2024.

A total of 13 specialist dentists graduated in the June 2024 period. They comprised 12 from the periodontology specialist program and 1 from the oral and maxillofacial surgery specialist program.

Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Drg led the graduation ceremony. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D., attended by the Head of the Periodontology Program and the Head of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Program.

The results of this graduation period received positive feedback from Drg. Rosa Amalia. She congratulated the residents who successfully graduated during this period. "Congratulations on earning your specialist dentist degree. After graduating from FKG UGM, dedicate yourselves to the community. Your presence is highly needed," Rosa said.

According to data from the Indonesian Medical Council, only 5,643 specialist dentists are in Indonesia. This number represents just 2% of the total registered doctors in the country.

All 13 specialist dentists who graduated in the June 2024 period received cum laude honors. This achievement was made possible by the guidance and direction of competent lecturers from FKG UGM

One of the periodontology specialist residents, Abyan Teguh, expressed gratitude and happiness for his achievement. "Congratulations to all of us who successfully graduated today. On behalf of myself and my colleagues, I want to thank the lecturers at FKG UGM who have guided us and shared their knowledge," said Abyan.

Producing competent specialist dentist graduates is one way to support the SDGs, specifically the third pillar (Good Health and Well-Being) and the fourth pillar (Quality Education).

Penulis: Fajar Budi H.


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