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Preparing for Internal Quality Audit, FKG UGM Prepares Program Performance Reports and Self-Evaluation

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) organized workshop on 26 and 27 August 2024, at the Margono Soeradji Auditorium. This event focused on preparing and filling out the Program Performance Report (LKPS) and the Program Self-Evaluation (EDPS) as part of the 2024 Internal Quality Audit (AMI).

drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., PhD, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at FKG UGM, opened the event by emphasizing the importance of quality assurance in education. In her speech, she highlighted the role of quality education in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), particularly in the context of sustainability education.

The workshop also featured a speaker, Prof. Ir. Leni Sophia Heliani, S.T., M.Sc., D.Sc., IPU, from the Faculty of Engineering at UGM. She discussed the integration of sustainability principles into educational programs and encouraged participants to adopt innovative approaches in curriculum development.

Additionally, another speaker, drg. Yanuarti Retnaningrum, Sp. Ort (K), who is the AMI Program Manager at FKG UGM, provided insights into the internal quality audit process, including key steps in effectively preparing the LKPS and EDPS. Her presentation emphasized the need for continuous improvement to meet both national and international standards.

During the event, participants—including program heads, unit leaders, coordinators, and the AMI team—engaged in discussions about best practices and challenges related to report preparation. The discussions included the role of technology in education, particularly how digital tools can enhance reporting processes and data accuracy.

dr. Dyah Listyarifah, M.Sc., D.Med.Sci., Head of the Quality Assurance Unit at FKG UGM, stated that the outcomes of this activity would be the Program Performance Report (LKPS) and the Program Self-Evaluation (EDPS). The LKPS provides a quantitative overview of the program's performance, while the EDPS offers a more in-depth qualitative analysis. “Both play a crucial role in maintaining and improving the quality of an academic program,” she remarked.

Contributor: Anita Ramona | Author: Haqi


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