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Maintain Dental Health: Free Dental Checkups for Early Childhood Education Students

Maintaining overall child health, including dental and oral health, is crucial. Teaching good oral hygiene habits from an early age is essential.

The Oral Biology Department of the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) organized a community service activity, providing education and dental checkups to students of the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Roemah Kita in Popongan on 7 June 2024. This activity is part of a partnership established for approximately 10 years between PAUD Roemah Kita and the Oral Biology Department of FKG UGM.

Dr. drg. Alma Linggar Jonarta, M.Kes., Head of the Oral Biology Department, emphasized the importance of maintaining dental and oral health from an early age. "We hope that the parents of PAUD students can assist their children in maintaining their dental and oral health," said Alma.

"Parental involvement is crucial in the dental development of children. Parents can assist their children in brushing their teeth at least twice a day, after breakfast and before bed," Alma added.

FKG UGM provided education and dental checkups to 24 PAUD students during this event. The activity began with engaging educational videos and practical demonstrations of proper tooth-brushing techniques. Afterward, dental checkups were conducted by dentists, assisted by clinical students.

The checkups revealed that 19 students had dental caries, while 5 had fractured teeth. These conditions can negatively impact the children's quality of life, making it difficult to chew, interfering with other activities such as learning, and even leading to school absences.

Latri Mulyaningsih, the administrator of PAUD Roemah Kita, highly appreciated this initiative. "I hope parents and students understand the importance of maintaining dental and oral health. I also hope the collaboration with FKG UGM continues," said Latri. 

The dental health education and checkup activities for PAUD Roemah Kita students by the Oral Biology Department of FKG UGM align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the third pillar (Good Health and Well-Being), the fourth pillar (Quality Education), and the seventeenth pillar (Partnership for the Goals).


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