

Latest News, SDG 3, SDG 4

Integrity and Self-Development: Keys to Success for New Dentists

The Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held an orientation session for newly graduated dentists at the Reading Room of the OECF Building on 26 September 2024. The event was attended by 26 participants, recent graduates of the Professional Program in Dentistry at FKG UGM. They successfully passed the Dental Professional Competency Test (UKMP2DG) and were declared graduates. The purpose of this event was to provide insights into career opportunities and further studies for dental profession graduates, helping them optimize their potential. 

The keynote speaker at the event was drg. David Sugihartana M.M., Sp.Pros, a practicing dentist and Co-Founder of OPAL Dental and KLAR. He began his presentation by reflecting on his academic journey. "We must be grateful to be in the field of dentistry. Back when I was in college, I felt that my world was not very broad, just basic . The treatment options we had were limited to students. There were many assignments, it felt burdensome," he reminisced. However, he reassured the graduates that their hard work would pay off. "Believe me, when you work, you will feel the impact of being a dentist. We can change someone's life. We can build relationships with patients and make a healthy impact on the community. When you meet a patient in person and they thank you, it really feels rewarding. At that moment, you will realize that the path you have chosen is the right one."

Integrity is something that drg. David emphasizes. He stated, "Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. It is what distinguishes us from others." He urged the graduates to maintain their integrity in their professional lives, despite any challenges they may face.

As the session continued, drg. David encouraged the graduates to keep learning and growing throughout their careers. "Seek out mentors, build networks, and focus on self-development," he advised. He also reminded the graduates that failure is a part of the learning process. "If you dream, aim for the sky. If you fail, it's okay. It's a lesson to be learned. You can definitely learn from failure. Those who never fail never succeed. Failure is okay, what's important is that you get back up, keep moving forward, and keep learning."

drg. David closed the session by encouraging the graduates to approach their new roles with confidence and determination. "Set your vision, stay resilient, and pursue your dreams with confidence. Every path you take is an opportunity to grow. There are no wrong choices, only lessons to be learned," he said. 

The event not only provided valuable insights for new dentists but also emphasized the importance of affordable medicine and quality education in achieving the SDGs. By equipping these graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills, FKG UGM contributes to the broader goal of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages. This initiative reflects FKG UGM's commitment to providing quality education that supports healthy and prosperous lives for communities, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being and Goal 4: Quality Education.

Authors : Niswati FR, Dhea | Editor : Bagas Prakoso


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