

Latest News, SDG 8

BEM KM FKG UGM Initiative Encourages Students to Become Entrepreneurs and Innovators

In a significant move to promote creativity and innovation among students, the Creative Economy Department of the Student Executive Body (BEM KM) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), has launched a new initiative called Molarizm. This platform aims to market a variety of products that not only cater to the needs of FKG students but also to the general public interested in the field of dentistry.

Molarizm is designed as a creative outlet where students can express their creativity while offering practical solutions for their peers and the broader community. The range of products offered by Molarizm is diverse, including lab coats, name tags, notepads, planners, bottles, t-shirts, stickers, keychains, and more. Each product is carefully designed to meet the needs of students and individuals interested in dentistry, ensuring that the products are both functional and stylish.

One unique aspect of Molarizm is its pre-order (PO) system, which allows customers to order products in advance. This approach not only helps manage inventory but also encourages students to engage in entrepreneurial activities by understanding market demand and the production process.

To promote these products, Molarizm utilizes various digital platforms, including Instagram, Line Official Account (OA), and Shopee store. This multi-channel marketing strategy aims to reach a wider audience and create a dynamic online community around the products offered.

By fostering creativity and innovation, Molarizm hopes to contribute to the overall development of students and the local economy. This initiative aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 8, which focuses on creativity and innovation as key drivers of economic growth and social development.

Contributors : Valentina Christine, Chelsea Myrilla Rahmawati, Vyca Serena Florean, Agatha Kemalaqnitah , Nikita Pasaribu | Author: Bagas Prakoso


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