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Hands-on “Chairside Oral Mucosa Swipe”: Early Detection of Soft Tissue Malignancies in the Oral Cavity

The 76th Dies Natalis of FKG UGM held a hands-on hands-on session with the theme “Chairside Oral Mucosa Swipe for Early Detection of Soft Tissue Malignancies in the Oral Cavity” on Saturday (27/4/2024).

This activity aimed to provide participants with a practical understanding of early detection techniques that can be performed directly at the patient's treatment chair.

Hands-on session led by Dr. drg. Alma Linggar Jonarta, M.Kes, from the Department of Oral Biology, in collaboration with Dr. Ayu Fresno Argadianti, Sp. PM from the Department of Oral Diseases.

Participants, including students, lecturers, and dental health professionals, were given the opportunity to practice the oral mucosa swipe technique, a noninvasive method for detecting potential malignancies in the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Considering that FKG UGM is committed to continuously developing and disseminating the latest methods in the detection and treatment of oral diseases as part of its contribution to public health, this session was well received by participants who appreciated the opportunity to learn directly from the experts.

This 76th Dies Natalis serves as a moment for the academic community to continuously update and enhance their skills, in line with the developments in science and technology in the field of dentistry.

As a result, this year’s Dies Natalis further strengthens FKG UGM's commitment to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), Goal 4 (Quality Education), and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

Author: Pram


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