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Facing Final Exams, FKG UGM Students Receive Free Milk

Final exams (UAS) can be a stressful time for students. However, students of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) received a pleasant surprise from the Health Promotion University “Senyum” team (HPU Senyum). HPU Senyum distributed free milk to students facing their final exams as a way to offer support and encouragement (25/6).

Each carton of milk was not just plain milk, it came with a sticker containing motivational words. This creative idea was the brainchild of three FKG UGM lecturers: drg. Margareta Rinastiti, drg. Anrizandy Narwidina, and drg. Tjut Intan Permatasari.

“We want the students to stay motivated and focused while facing their exams,” said Tjut Intan, Coordinator of HPU Senyum FKG UGM.

The milk distribution is expected to be an effective form of support for FKG UGM students. Besides providing the necessary nutritional intake, the milk and motivational stickers are also hoped to boost the students' morale and optimism as they face their exams.

Syifa, one of the FKG UGM students, expressed her happiness about the initiative. “As students, we feel like we're getting extra attention from the university, which makes us more enthusiastic and motivated to face the exams,” said Syifa.

Author: Fajar Budi H. | Photo: HPU Senyum


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