

Latest News, SDG 17, SDG 3

Exploring the Potential of the Dental Learning Center

On 1 October 2024, a pivotal meeting took place between the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) and the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The purpose of the meeting was to explore collaboration opportunities between the Learning Centers of FKG and FK-KMK UGM. This initiative reflects a broader commitment to sustainable education, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those emphasizing quality education and partnerships for achieving goals.

The meeting was attended by Learning Center Managers and Heads of Integrated Research Laboratories from both faculties, who discussed the potential for resource sharing, especially regarding laboratory equipment. The collaboration aims to enhance research quality for the academic community and optimize the use of existing laboratory tools across both faculties. By combining resources, FKG and FK-KMK can foster a more integrated academic environment that benefits all stakeholders involved.

drg. Heni Susilowati, M.Kes., Ph.D., Coordinator of the Dental Learning Center at FKG, stated, “We hope this collaboration materializes so that researchers from both faculties can access information about the available laboratory equipment and the procedures for utilizing them more easily.”
This collaboration also seeks to promote multidisciplinary research, enriching educational experiences and preparing students to work in multidisciplinary teams — a critical skill in today’s healthcare environment.

The partnership aligns with the SDGs by encouraging sustainable practices in education. By maximizing the use of existing resources, the faculties support a culture of sustainability. This initiative not only advances UGM's educational goals but also contributes to global efforts to achieve sustainable development, specifically SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to share information about each faculty’s list of laboratory equipment, usage procedures, and associated costs. Both faculties expressed enthusiasm for this collaboration, recognizing it as a significant step toward enhancing education and research.

Contribrutor: Laseri


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