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FKG UGM Receives Visit from Bhakti Wiyata Health Institute Kediri

FKG UGM welcomed a visit from the Bhakti Wiyata Health Institute Kediri on Monday (3/10) at the Reading Room, 1st floor of the OECF Building. Dean of FKG UGM, drg. Suryono, S.H., MM., Ph.D., Vice Deans I, II, and III, accompanied by the Head of Administration Office and the Head of Finance and General Administration Department of FKG UGM, were present. On this occasion, the Dean extended a warm welcome and began with an introduction regarding the Dental Learning Center (DLC) at UGM.

In his address, the Dean stated, "Welcome to our friends from IIK Kediri who have come to visit FKG UGM. Although our entire academic community, including SKK and cleaning service staff, engaged in professional development in Malang yesterday, we can now welcome you here."

"We hope we can learn from each other, especially now that FKG has a new building named the Dental Learning Center (DLC) for developing dental and oral health workforce capacity, which is approached from four perspectives. If IIK wishes to utilize it in the future, please feel free to do so," he added in his remarks.

Dean IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, drg. Afrida Nurmalasari, M.Kes, responded positively to the Dean's remarks, stating, "Thank you to FKG for receiving and welcoming us. Of course, Dean, our purpose in visiting is to exchange knowledge with the outstanding FKG UGM. Additionally, we are here to gain experience from FKG UGM and improve ourselves."

Following the speeches by each dean, discussions were held with the participation of drg. Niswatun Chasanah, M.Si, drg. Rudy S, Sp.Pros, drg. Dzanuar Rahmawan, M.Si, drg. Rudi Irawan, M.Si, drg. Eka Resti Efrata, M.DSc, drg. Dyah Noviana, M.Si, drg. Basma Risandi, M.Si, and drg. A. Junaidi, and vice deans from FKG UGM.

Finally, the visit concluded with a tour of RSGM UGM. Additionally, it is noteworthy that on 9 September 2022, RSGM UGM was accredited with Full Accreditation under the Hospital Accreditation Standards by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and designated as the Primary Educational Hospital for the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada.


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