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FKG UGM Hosts Expert Lecture and Live Surgery on "Orthognathic Surgery"

The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, in collaboration with the Department of Orthodontics and Prof. Soedomo Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM), held an expert lecture and live surgery event to deepen practical knowledge and skills for lecturers, residents, and specialists. The expert lecture occurred on 18 February 2024 at the Dental Learning Center, FKG UGM, while the live surgery was held online via Zoom Meeting on 19 February 2024. This event allowed oral and maxillofacial surgery residents to observe and interact directly with the orthognathic surgery procedure.

The expert lecture featured three speakers: Rear Admiral (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Drg. Setyo Harnowo, Sp. B.M.M, Subsp. Ortognat-D (K), FICD, FICCDE; Drg. Bramasto Purbo Sejati, Sp.BMM., Subsp. T.M.T.M.J.(K); and Drg. Jusuf Sjamsudin Sp.Ort(K). The live surgery was conducted by Rear Admiral (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Drg. Setyo Harnowo, Sp. B.M.M, Subsp. Ortognat-D (K), FICD, FICCDE.

The event began with an expert lecture by Drg. Bramasto Purbo Sejati, Sp.BMM., Subsp. T.M.T.M.J.(K), who discussed Maxillofacial Hardware (Plates and Screws). This was followed by an expert lecture by Drg. Jusuf Sjamsudin Sp.Ort(K) on "Orthognathic Surgery Treatment Planning." The final lecture was given by Rear Admiral (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Drg. Setyo Harnowo, Sp. B.M.M, Subsp. Ortognat-D (K), FICD, FICCDE on "Orthognathic Surgery." The live surgery occurred the following day, led by Rear Admiral (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Drg. Setyo Harnowo, Sp. B.M.M, Subsp. Ortognat-D (K), FICD, FICCDE; Drg. Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto, MDSc.Sp.BMM.Subsp.I.D>M.(K); and Dr. Drg. Ananto Ali Alhasyimi, MDSc, Sp. Ort at Prof. Soedomo Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM).

This collaboration between the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the Department of Orthodontics, and Prof. Soedomo Dental and Oral Hospital allowed participants to learn from experts and observe the orthognathic surgery procedure firsthand. Events like these are expected to continue in the future to support the development of knowledge and practice in the field of dentistry.

The success of this event is a testament to FKG UGM's commitment to realizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education while supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly pillar 4 on Quality Education. FKG UGM contributes to a sustainable effort to produce qualified graduates in specialist programs by producing high-quality dental health professionals through quality education.

#sdgs #qualityeducation


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