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FKG UGM Enhances Higher Education's Tridarma through Partnership Cooperation 

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) remains committed to improving oral health in Indonesia through its Tridarma of Higher Education activities, which include education, research, and community service. To achieve these goals, FKG UGM actively engages in partnerships with various entities.

As of July 2023, FKG UGM has successfully established collaborations with over 80 domestic partners. These partners include 18 dental faculties from both public and private universities across Indonesia, 11 schools at various educational levels, 8 foundations, 32 private companies, and 12 government institutions. 

Bernadetha Laras Ayu Tholeta Suri, S.P., a staff member of the Cooperation Unit, stated that these partnerships aim to expand networks and create a broader positive impact on society.

The collaborations include the commercialization of research products through KEDAIREKA in partnership with CV Indoraya International, community service activities such as dental health education and screenings in schools, and programs for sending human resources from various faculties to pursue postgraduate education at FKG UGM through cooperative schemes. These activities involve lecturers, educational staff, and students from various departments at FKG UGM.

These partnerships reflect FKG UGM's commitment to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically pillar 17 (Partnership for the Goals, pillar 4 (Quality Education), pillar 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), and pillar 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

By continually strengthening these collaborations, FKG UGM hopes to continue growing and making significant contributions to improving the quality of education, research, and oral health services in Indonesia.


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