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FKG UGM Graduates 4 Dentists from Structured Dental Implant Education Program

The Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) graduated four participants from the Structured Dental Implant Education Program (PPIDT) on Wednesday, 10 July 2024. The graduates are drg. Marsela Anastasia Pranoto, drg. Masjadi, drg. Niken Kusumawati, MPH, and drg. Zikrima Shafarina. This achievement further highlights FKG UGM's significant impact on the development of dental implant education in Indonesia.

As a mark of their accomplishment, certificates and pins were presented to the graduates by the Dean of FKG UGM, Prof. drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D. “I am proud that the first cohort of the PPIDT has successfully graduated four participants,” said Suryono. According to him, the Faculty of Dentistry UGM provides an opportunity for dentists to deepen their expertise in dental implants through intensive education and the Scientific Structured Activities for Implant Prosthetics (KIT GTI) exam organized by the Indonesian Dental College.

The Chair of PPIDT, drg. Pingky Krisna Arindra, Sp.BMM.Subsp.Ped.O.M(K), expressed gratitude to all involved parties. “I am grateful for the successful organization of the first cohort of the PPIDT. Our thanks go to our partners such as PT Osstem Implant Indonesia, PT Gratia Jaya Mulya Implant Direct, and PT Tawada Health Care Implant Zimmer, as well as the facilities provided by RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo,” Pingky said.

With the PPIDT program, FKG UGM hopes to offer more opportunities for dentists to advance their skills in dental implants and to enhance the overall quality of dental care in Indonesia.

The PPIDT program at FKG UGM supports the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 4, “Quality Education,” by providing high-quality education and training in dental health. Additionally, the program also supports SDG number 3, “Good Health and Well-being,” by ensuring that dentists have the necessary skills to deliver high-quality dental care to the community.

Through this initiative, FKG UGM continues its commitment to improving the quality of education and dental health services in Indonesia, paving the way for more competent and skilled dentists.

Author: Diva Luthfiana | Editor: Fajar Budi H.

Photo: Dody Hendro W.


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