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Latest News, SDG 3

FKG UGM Trains Health Cadres in SAMURI Method in Gunung Kidul

Gunung Kidul The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) conducted training on the Self-Examination of the Mouth (SAMURI) method on Thursday (7/11/2024) at the Germas Hall, Gunung Kidul Regency Health Office. This training aimed to enhance awareness and early detection capabilities for oral cancer among local health cadres, addressing the low public knowledge about oral cancer symptoms, which are often overlooked until it's too late.

The SAMURI training featured experts from FKG UGM, including Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handajani, M.Kes., Ph.D., Dr. drg. Alma Linggar Jonarta, M.Kes., Dr. drg. Dewi Agustina, MD.Sc., drg. Fimma Naritasari, MDSc, alongside local health cadres. 

This program equipped the cadres with techniques for self-examination to identify oral abnormalities that could be early signs of cancerous lesions, such as changes in shape or color in oral tissues.

Prof. Juni expressed hope that the training would create a broad impact on early oral cancer detection within the Gunung Kidul community. 

“We hope that through this SAMURI training, the cadres can disseminate the knowledge, enabling Gunung Kidul residents to conduct early detection of oral cancer,” said Prof. Juni.

During the session, participants practiced the SAMURI technique using mirrors. Their practice was evaluated to ensure accurate understanding of identifying abnormal signs. Additionally, cadres received information on normal oral variations to help distinguish between typical conditions and cancer symptoms.

The initiative was well-received by the Gunung Kidul Regency Health Office. The Head of Public Health Division, Drg. Lucilla Minati, expressed her hope for SAMURI training to become a regular program and a model for similar health training initiatives in the future.

This training aligns with efforts to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, which focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all. The SAMURI program is expected to encourage early detection of oral cancer, enabling faster and more accurate treatment.

Authors: Tolistya Novitasari Abdullah, Tryanindita, & Pram


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