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FKG UGM Establishes International Collaboration through Visiting Professor Program in Taiwan

In an effort to strengthen international cooperation, the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) has sent one of its top professors, Prof. Dr. drg. Regina TC. Tandelilin, MSc., PBO, as a Visiting Professor at two prestigious universities in Taiwan: Taipei Medical University (TMU) and China Medical University (CMU). This program not only enhances academic insights but also explores opportunities for research and educational collaboration, which is a primary focus for Prof. Regina.

During this visit on 27 September 2024, Prof. Regina delivered two scientific lectures highly relevant to modern dentistry. At TMU, she presented on “Nature of Dental Plaque: The Biofilm Way of Life”explaining the complexity of dental plaque as a biofilm that plays a significant role in oral health. Meanwhile, at CMU, she discussed “Introduction of Oral Immunology”, examining the mechanisms of the immune system in maintaining oral cavity health, a topic that attracted the attention of over 140 students and faculty members.

In addition to delivering lectures, Prof. Regina engaged in intensive discussions with academic leaders and faculty from TMU and CMU. The outcomes of these discussions opened various opportunities for strategic collaboration between UGM and both universities in Taiwan. CMU offered full scholarships to educators from FKG UGM who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Dentistry andDental Hygiene, while TMU opened international student exchange programs and scholarship opportunities for doctoral programs.

“This visit is not just about sharing knowledge; it’s about building academic collaboration that will provide long-term benefits for both parties. I am confident that this cooperation will enhance the quality of research and education and strengthen UGM’s international network in the field of dentistry,” stated Prof. Regina.

Both Taiwanese universities expressed great enthusiasm in exploring further collaboration with UGM. TMU and CMU are open to facilitating scholarship and exchange programs, as well as planning more concrete agreements through MoAs in the future. This Visiting Professor activity is expected to not only enhance UGM's international reputation but also strengthen UGM's contributions to the advancement of knowledge and education on a global scale.

Prof. Regina added, “I find this experience invaluable because we are not only enhancing the quality of student education and collaborative research, but also enriching my experience as an educator in a diverse environment. This is the beginning of a larger and better collaboration between UGM, TMU, and CMU.”

Kunjungan ini menegaskan komitmen Fakultas UGM untuk mendukung upaya pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) pada tujuan ke-4 (Pendidikan Berkualitas) dengan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan penelitian melalui program-program internasional, dan tujuan ke-17 (Kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuan) dengan meningkatkan kerjasama internasional. Hal tersebut sejalan dengan visi dan misi Fakultas untuk menjadi institusi pendidikan tinggi yang unggul dan berdaya saing global. 

Author: Vona


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