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FKG UGM Launches Free Psychological Consultation Services

Amid high academic and work pressures, individuals are increasingly facing serious mental health challenges. The psychological services on campus aim to provide support for identifying and managing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

In Indonesia, data on mental health indicates that this issue is quite significant, especially among adolescents and students. According to the Ipsos Global Health Service Monitor 2023 survey, approximately 38% of respondents in Indonesia consider mental health to be the biggest issue they face.

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) now offers free psychological consultation services for the entire academic community. This program, initiated by the Health Promotion team at FKG UGM in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology at UGM, aims to provide mental health support to staff, faculty, and students.

Firda Cahya, a representative from the Health Promotion Unit (HPU) at FKG UGM, explained that this service is designed to help academic community members maintain their mental health balance. “We hope that with this consultation service, individuals can express their thoughts and feelings to a competent expert, thus obtaining appropriate solutions,” said Firda (7/10).

The growing awareness of the importance of mental health, particularly in work and academic environments, makes this service highly relevant. Amidst academic pressures and demands, many people feel relieved after discussing their issues with friends. 

“Friends may listen, but they cannot always provide solutions. That’s why we want to eliminate the negative stigma around visiting psychologists. In fact, by seeing a psychologist, we can express what we are feeling and find ways to address our problems,” Firda added.

Factors affecting an individual's mental health include heavy workloads, worries about various issues, and difficulties in establishing social relationships. The importance of mental health awareness and access to psychological services has become a focal point in efforts to address these issues within the campus and the wider community.

Given the various challenges individuals face, it is crucial for educational institutions to provide comprehensive mental health services. Through appropriate attention and intervention, individuals are expected to achieve better mental well-being.

Authors: Firda Cahya, Pram | Editor and Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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