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FKG UGM Actively Promotes Dental Education and Check-ups

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) provided education on the importance of maintaining dental hygiene and health to students of MAN 3 Sleman. This educational outreach was part of a community service activity held on Thursday (08/08) during the Heldovema #6 event. 

On this occasion, drg. Friska Ani Rahman, MDSc, who served as the instructor, emphasized that maintaining dental health is not just a routine practice but a long-term investment in overall body health. “Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, especially after breakfast and before bed, is a very important basic step. However, it is equally important to have regular dental check-ups every six months,” said drg. Friska.

A total of 114 students from MAN 3 Sleman underwent oral and dental examinations. The results showed that some students required further treatments, such as fillings and tartar cleaning. “Regular dental care is essential to prevent more serious issues in the future,” stressed drg. Friska.

At the end of her educational session, drg. Friska encouraged all students to continue maintaining oral and dental hygiene and not hesitate to consult a dentist regularly. Good dental health contributes to a better quality of life and supports the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Kegiatan ini sejalan dengan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), khususnya pilar ketiga (Good Health and Well-Being), This activity aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the third pillar (Good Health and Well-Being), where oral and dental health are integral parts of overall health. Through activities like this, it is hoped that awareness of the importance of dental care among students will increase and promote sustainable healthy living behavior among the younger generation.

Author: Pram | Editor: Fajar Budi H.


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