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FKG UGM Holds Lecture on Alveolar Bone Reconstruction

Yogyakarta, 1 August 2024, The Periodontology Study Program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) actively participated in an online lecture on alveolar bone reconstruction presented by Dr. Leonardo P. Faverani, DDS, MSc, PhD. The lecture titled “Prosto-Perio Lecture 4: Alveolar Bone Reconstruction: From Ridge Preservation to Large Flap Graft for Oral Rehabilitation” was conducted via Zoom and attended by students and faculty from the Periodontology and Prosthodontics specialty programs from various universities in Indonesia.

Dr. Faverani, an Associate Professor at Aracatuba Dental School (Unesp), Brazil, is a leading expert in alveolar bone reconstruction. During his lecture, he discussed essential techniques and materials for alveolar ridge preservation and large flap grafts, emphasizing the importance of selecting the appropriate materials based on clinical conditions and the techniques necessary for optimal oral rehabilitation.

This event was attended by students from the Periodontology specialty program at FKG UGM, ranging from the 2021 to 2024 cohorts, as well as lecturers, including the Head of the Periodontology Study Program, drg. Kwartarini Murdiastuti, Sp.Perio., Sub.Sp. R.P.I.D (K), Ph.D, Dr. drg. Ahmad Syaify, Sp.Perio., SubSp. R.P.I.D (K), drg. Osa Amila Hafiyyah, MDSc., Sp.Perio., Sub.Sp. R.P.I.D (K), drg. Vincensia Maria Karina, MDSc., Sp.Perio., SubSp.M.P(K), and drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio., SubSp. R.P.I.D (K).

Active participation was demonstrated by the students, as evidenced by numerous critical questions that reflected their interest and understanding of the material presented. The discussions during the lecture not only enriched the students' knowledge but also provided an opportunity to delve into best practices in alveolar bone reconstruction.

Dr. Faverani explained, “There are many materials that can be used for alveolar ridge preservation, depending on the indications and the condition of the tissues surrounding the graft area. Grafts can be obtained from various sites, with the most common autologous bone grafts taken from the mandibular ramus, symphysis, or fibula.” This explanation highlighted the importance of selecting the appropriate materials based on the clinical conditions of the patient and the techniques required to achieve the best results in oral rehabilitation.

The Head of the Periodontology Specialty Program at FKG UGM, drg. Kwartarini Mardiastuti, Sp.Perio., Sub.Sp. R.P.I.D (K), Ph.D, stated, “Through this event, the Periodontology Specialty Program at FKG UGM continues to strive to provide quality education and facilitate the development of skills for our resident students.” One of the residents from the Periodontology specialty program at FKG UGM, drg. Christian Oliver, added, “Expert speakers like Dr. Faverani are incredibly beneficial for us residents in the Periodontology program at FKG UGM, as they open our minds and deepen our knowledge regarding the latest developments in Alveolar Bone Reconstruction surgery, preparing us for future clinical practice.” This lecture also served as a platform to strengthen academic and professional networks between UGM and international experts in the field of dentistry.

In addition to enhancing knowledge, this activity serves as evidence of the commitment of the Periodontology Specialty Program as part of the Faculty of Dentistry at UGM to continue organizing scientific activities beneficial to the entire academic community, with the aim of producing competent graduates ready to contribute to improving the dental and oral health of society.

This event indirectly supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically (Pillar 3) promoting good health and well-being and (Pillar 4) ensuring quality education.

Contributor: drg. Rezmelia Sari, M.Sc., Sp.Perio (K) | Editor: Bagas Prakoso D


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