Dental education today requires constant adjustment to advancements in technology and materials. To maintain the relevance of the curriculum and produce competent graduates, ongoing evaluation and development efforts are undertaken, one of which is through Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
On 7 and 11 October 2024, the Undergraduate Program in Dentistry Education (PDG) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), held an FGD at the FKG UGM Reading Room. This hybrid event focused on the development of the topic of Technology and Dental Materials (TMKG) and involved all relevant speakers. The goal of the event was to optimize the quality of education while encouraging active student participation in the learning process.
According to drg. Aryan Morita, MSc., PhD, Head of the PDG Program, the event was an effort to align the TMKG material with the Indonesian Medical Council Decision No. 94 of 2024 on the Standards for Indonesian Dentistry Professional Education. “This FGD is crucial to ensure that the materials we teach align with the latest standards, especially those related to the science and technology of basic dental medicine,” explained drg. Aryan.
Prof. Dr. drg. Siti Sunarintyas, M.Kes., who is responsible for the TMKG topic, highlighted that some of the materials previously taught needed to be reviewed due to their limited applicability in dental practice. “We want to refine the curriculum to make it more practical and support the achievement of the expected learning outcomes,” said Prof. Siti.
The discussion covered various aspects, ranging from adjustments to the topics and time allocation to more practical teaching methods. Additionally, the evaluation of learning assessments was discussed, with a focus on active student engagement.
This activity represents FKG UGM's contribution to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and SDG Goal 4 (Quality Education). The FGD marks the beginning of a revision process for several materials and assessment methods to ensure that the teaching of TMKG at FKG UGM remains relevant and of high quality according to national standards, while involving students in creating a more participatory and innovative learning environment.
Contributor: Ahmad Muttaqin | Author: Diva Luthfi
Editor : Maria Shinta