

Latest News, SDG 17, SDG 4

FKG UGM Promotes Quality Dental Education Through Curriculum Reform Workshop

In response to developments in dental education, the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) held the Stage II Curriculum Reform Workshop: Development of the RPKPP from the Curriculum Reform of the Dentist Profession Study Program. This important event took place on 11-12 October 2024 at Grand Rohan Jogja, following the success of the Stage I Curriculum Reform Workshop held last September.

The workshop aimed to bring together key stakeholders in dental education, including representatives from the AFDOKGI Education Review Team, the National UKMP2DG Committee, and various lecturers. This diverse representation underscores a collaborative effort to integrate multiple perspectives and expertise, ensuring that the curriculum meets the evolving needs of the dental profession. 

Dr. drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at FKG UGM, emphasized the core goal of the workshop, which is to provide clear direction for professional learning. “The RPKPK is designed to ensure that our students can achieve competency levels that align with the standards of the Indonesian dental profession,” she stated. This commitment to quality education is a key component of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education.

The development of the RPKP in this workshop is a vital initiative reflecting FKG UGM’s commitment to maintaining high standards in dental education. Through collaboration and innovation, the faculty aims to produce competent dental professionals who can contribute positively to public health.

The workshop featured discussions on curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and assessment strategies, ensuring that the educational framework being developed is strong and relevant. Participants engaged in interactive sessions, sharing insights and best practices to enhance the quality of dental education.

Furthermore, the workshop served as a platform for networking among educators, practitioners, and policymakers, fostering a community dedicated to continuous improvement in dental education. By bringing together various stakeholders, FKG UGM aims to create a comprehensive curriculum that not only meets national standards but also prepares graduates for global challenges in dental health. This activity indirectly aligns with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, which emphasizes the importance of collaboration in achieving educational objectives.

Author : Niswati FR, Dhea | Editor : Bagas Prakoso 


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