

Latest News, SDG 3

FKG UGM Promotes Dedication and Service Through Inspirational Alumni Message

Thursday, 3 October 2024 – The Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) held the third graduation ceremony of 2024 for new dentists. The event took place at the Margono Soeradji Hall and was attended by several distinguished guests, including the Chairperson of PDGI DIY, alumni representatives from KAKGIGAMA, clergy members, the Dean and Vice Deans of FKG UGM, the Secretary of the Senate, Heads of Departments, Clinical Instructors, and the Director of UGM Dental Hospital (RSGM UGM), Prof. Soedomo. The ceremony celebrated the achievements of 26 new dentists and their families.

During the event, drg. Rizal Hanif Dharmawan, an FKG UGM alumnus, delivered an inspiring message emphasizing the importance of gratitude and dedication in the dental profession. “I understand the sacrifices and struggles you’ve endured to reach this point. Celebrate this joy and remember to be grateful to God Almighty. Don’t forget to express your gratitude to your loved ones, especially your parents, for their support,” he stated in his opening remarks.

drg. Rizal reminded the new dentists that graduation is not the end of their journey but the beginning of a long path ahead. “There is still a long journey to go. I want to remind myself and my colleagues to uphold the oath we just took. One essential point I want to emphasize is our commitment to serving humanity. Therefore, instill within yourselves the spirit to serve the community,” he expressed.

Reflecting on his personal experiences, drg. Rizal acknowledged that becoming a dentist is not easy. He recalled advice from his father, a dentist with over 30 years of experience: “My father once told me that to become a successful dentist, there is a process to go through. There are no shortcuts. He also advised me to have the intention to help others and to study diligently to enhance skills and experience because dentistry relies heavily on skill. Continue to adapt to new environments, stay motivated, and work with sincerity and care,” he encouraged.

The event also underscored the importance of access to clean water and sanitation in promoting community health. As future dental professionals, the newly inducted dentists were encouraged to advocate for these essential services in their communities, recognizing the close link between oral health and overall well-being.

drg. Rizal’s message resonated deeply with attendees, highlighting the significance of perseverance and dedication in the field of dentistry. He hoped his words would not only inspire himself but also serve as a guide for his peers as they embark on their new journeys. “May God Almighty grant us safety and guidance in performing our duties. May we be able to help those around us,” he wished.

The graduation ceremony underscored the critical role of alumni in supporting new dentists, reinforcing their commitment to creating a healthy and prosperous society. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, which focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages.

Author : Niswati FR | Editor : Bagas Prakoso D


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