

Latest News, SDG 17, SDG 4

FKG UGM and UPH Discuss Challenges and Collaboration for the Establishment of a Dentistry Program at UPH

Yogyakarta, 1 November 2024 – The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) welcomed an official visit from Pelita Harapan University (UPH). The purpose of this visit was to discuss the establishment of a dentistry program at UPH. The event, held at the OECF Meeting Room in FKG UGM, was attended by officials and academics from both institutions, including the Dean of FKG UGM Prof. drg. Suryono, S.H, MM., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Research and Community Service drg. Trianna Wahyu Utami, MD.Sc., Ph.D., Director of RSGM Prof. Soedomo Dr. drg. Julita Hendrartini, M.Kes., AAK, Head of the Undergraduate Dentistry Program drg. Aryan Morita, M.Sc., Ph.D., Head of the Dental Profession Program Dr. drg. Rurie Ratna Shantiningsih, MD.Sc., and Head of the Master's Program in Dentistry Prof. Dr. Juni Handjani, M.Kes., Ph.D.

The UPH delegation was led by Baverley Wonsono, B.A., M.A., Dr. drg. Andi Setiawan Budihardja, Sp.BM(K), drg. Theresia Dhearine Pratiwi, Sp.K.G.A., and drg. Yoanne Imanuella, Sp.Pros. 

Prof. drg. Suryono, S.H., MM., Ph.D., the Dean of FKG UGM, warmly welcomed the UPH delegation and expressed his hopes that this collaboration could benefit the development of dental education in Indonesia. "Welcome to the UPH delegation at FKG UGM. We hope that with this visit, as a dental education institution, we can contribute and collaborate in providing quality medical personnel," said Prof. Suryono in his welcome speech. He also emphasized the importance of staying open to external challenges and changes, particularly those related to regulations, which must be addressed wisely.

Meanwhile, Baverley Wonsono, B.A., M.A., representing UPH, highlighted the importance of sharing experiences and best practices in establishing quality academic programs. In his remarks, he stated, "Currently, UPH is in the process of establishing the Faculty of Dentistry, and we are preparing the academic curriculum, facilities, and faculty development. We hope that through this visit, we can learn from FKG UGM in preparing quality dental education."

During the discussion, various aspects related to curriculum development, facilities, and collaboration in dental education were discussed in depth. The changes in the curriculum, which need to be adjusted to new regulations set by SKDGI, require attention to the educational system, supported by qualified human resources and adequate infrastructure. It is hoped that the synergy between research, education, and community service activities can be harmoniously implemented. The discussion was followed by a visit to the Prof. Soedomo UGM Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) and the Dental Learning Center.

This visit is expected to strengthen the relationship between the two universities and support the development of quality education and human resources in the field of dentistry. This activity aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG Goal 4 on Quality Education and SDG Goal 17 on Partnerships to achieve the Goals.

Author: Shinta | Photo: Shinta


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