The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) has designed an innovative program as part of the 2024 Kampung Binaan initiative. Held on 12 May and 2 June 2024, this program aims to improve the oral health of the people in Girikerto Village. This initiative was initiated by the Student Movement and Community Service Department of BEM KM FKG UGM in collaboration with the Department of Oral Surgery and Conservative Dentistry at FKG UGM. The theme of the program is "Create Healthy Smiles, Improve the Quality of Life of the Community."
Dr. drg. R Tri Endra Untara, MKes, Sp.KG Subsp. KR (K), the Head of the Program, explained the important role of a dentist in maintaining community oral health. "Dentists play a vital role in dental and oral health. This Kampung Binaan program will collaborate with the Indonesian Conservative Dentistry Association, where we will conduct screening or dental check-ups for the residents of Kemirikebo Village. If any of the residents need special treatment, specialists in conservative dentistry and oral surgery will provide care," he said.
The program began with ongoing outreach on the importance of maintaining oral hygiene, followed by direct health screenings. The initial stage of the activity included education and health screenings with the community, while the next phase will provide more intensive care through participation in the Indonesian Conservative Dentistry Program (IKORGI).
The 2024 Kampung Binaan program is expected to have a long-term impact by directly engaging with the community, thereby indirectly improving the quality of life of the residents. Implementing this program is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages.
Author: Bagas Prakoso