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FKG UGM Benchmarking with FKG UNPAD for the Establishment of a Radiology Specialist Program

he Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Department of the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) conducted a benchmarking visit to the Dental Radiology Specialist Education Program at Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) on 27 September 2024, in preparation for establishing a dental radiology specialist education program at FKG UGM.

The FKG UGM team, led by drg. Isti Rahayu Suryani, the head of the program establishment, was accompanied by four other faculty members: drg. Rurie, drg. Ryna, and drg. Farrah.

They were warmly welcomed by drg. Lusi, Head of the Dental Radiology Specialist Education Program at UNPAD, and drg. Farina, Head of the Radiology Installation at UNPAD’s Dental Hospital. FKG UNPAD has managed the radiology specialist program since 2009.

drg. Isti stated that this benchmarking is a strategic step for FKG UGM to gain a deeper understanding of the management system of the Dental Radiology Specialist Education Program at UNPAD, which is a pioneer of this program in Indonesia. "We hope to adopt what has been implemented at UNPAD to enhance the quality of dental radiology specialist education at UGM," Isti said.

Only a few institutions offer dental radiology specialist programs, and the capacity to produce more specialists is still limited. This is one of the reasons why FKG UGM is working to establish a radiology specialist program to help address the shortage of specialists in this field.

drg. Lusi expressed that they are very open to sharing their experience in managing the dental radiology specialist education program. "We fully support the establishment of the Dental Radiology Specialist Education Program at FKG UGM as an effort to meet the need for competent dental radiology specialists and to strengthen educational development in Indonesia," drg. Lusi said.

The meeting agenda discussed various important aspects related to what needs to be prepared for the establishment of a specialist education program, particularly in dental radiology. These include preparations for the educational program, supporting facilities and infrastructure, the educational curriculum, teaching methods, guidance management, and the required human resources. This is important to support an effective and smooth teaching and learning process.

According to the Indonesian Medical Council, there are currently 91 registered dental radiology specialists in Indonesia. This number is considered insufficient, especially in the face of the increasing demand in the dental and oral field. Dental radiology is a fundamental specialization for diagnosing dental and jaw diseases through imaging techniques, and the demand for specialists in this field is growing alongside technological advancements and case complexities.

FKG UGM semakin siap dalam proses pendirian PPDGS Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi yang diharapkan mampu berkontribusi dalam mencetak dokter gigi spesialis yang berkualitas dan sehingga dapat mengisi kekurangan tenaga kesehatan radiologi di Indonesia. Hal ini sejalan dengan perwujudan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) khususnya SDGs tujuan ke-3 Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan yang Baik, SDGs tujuan ke-4 Pendidikan Berkualitas, dan SDGs tujuan ke-17 Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan.

Contributor: drg. Silviana Farrah Diba, Sp.RKG(K) | Editor: Fajar Budi H.
Photo: Dept. RDM FKG UGM


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