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Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Supports Students in Producing Assignments and Research Works

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) continues to innovate to enhance the quality of academic services. One notable innovation is the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) repository, which contains a collection of undergraduate theses, master's theses, and doctoral dissertations from UGM students.

The ETD service is also available to all academic members within FKG UGM, facilitating easy online access to comprehensive scholarly works. By simply visiting or using the ETD computers available in the library, students can search for desired titles and download them in full text.

Desy Natalia Anggorowati, the Coordinator of the Library Management at FKG UGM, stated that the presence of the ETD significantly aids students in the learning process. “Using ETD, students can easily find references they need for coursework, theses, and dissertations. This certainly simplifies the process and enhances the quality of their academic works,” said Desy.

What Are the Benefits of Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD)?

  • Easy and Broad Access: The collection of scholarly works can be accessed anytime and anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Complete References: ETD provides full text scholarly works, allowing users to obtain more comprehensive and in-depth information.
  • Improved Research Quality: By accessing previous scholarly works, students can develop new ideas and avoid duplicating research.
  • Time Efficiency: The process of searching for references becomes quicker and more efficient.
  • Contribution to Knowledge Development: ETD plays a vital role in disseminating students' research findings and enriching scientific knowledge.

With the availability of the ETD facility, it is hoped that the quality of graduates from FKG UGM will improve. Students will become more independent in seeking information and developing their research skills. Furthermore, ETD can expedite students' study processes by providing adequate learning resources.


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