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Supporting Inclusive Education, FKG UGM Welcomes New Students from 3T Regions

Education is a fundamental right for every Indonesian citizen. Through education, a person can improve their life prospects. This is exemplified by Rivaldo, a new student at the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) from Supiori Regency, Papua. Rivaldo's presence at FKG UGM reflects the commitment to providing inclusive education.

Rivaldo is a recipient of the Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADik). The affirmation pathway is a special admission route designed to provide opportunities for prospective students from Disadvantaged, Frontier, and Outermost Regions (3T) or underprivileged communities. The main goal of this pathway is to ensure equitable access to higher education and provide opportunities for those with academic potential who may face challenges due to economic, geographical, or social factors.

drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at FKG UGM, extended a warm welcome to Rivaldo. “I hope Rivaldo can quickly adapt to the new environment on this campus. During the adaptation process, we will involve the Student Executive Board as a platform for discussions,” said Rosa.

The meeting was also attended by a representative from the Supiori Regency Office, Mr. Rafles. He expressed his gratitude and pride for Rivaldo's success in being accepted into FKG UGM. “I sincerely hope the faculty leadership will provide guidance and support to Rivaldo,” said Rafles.

For information, this year FKG UGM has accepted a total of 205 new students. Rivaldo's success in entering FKG UGM through the affirmation pathway is proof that with hard work and high spirit, everyone has the opportunity to receive an education.

Author: Fajar Budi H. | Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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