

Latest News, SDG 4

drg. Fimma Emphasizes the Importance of Curriculum Design Updates at Curriculum Reform Workshop

Yogyakarta, 11-12 October 2024 – The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) held the Stage II 36 SKS Curriculum Reform Workshop for the Dentist Profession Study Program. The event, which took place at Grand Rohan Jogja, aimed to design a curriculum that is relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the dental profession. 

The workshop was attended by representatives from various departments of FKG UGM and several key speakers, including drg. Fimma Naritasari, M.D.Sc., a member of the Education Review Team of the Indonesian Association of Dental Schools (AFDOKGI) from the Department of Oral Medicine (IPM) at FKG UGM.

As a speaker, drg. Fimma presented on the development of the Curriculum Learning Design (RPKPK) based on the latest educational standards. She emphasized the importance of continuous curriculum updates to remain relevant. 

“The learning design must be updated regularly to stay relevant and effective,” she stated. 

In her presentation, she also explained various innovative learning methods being utilized, such as Workplace-based Learning, Simulation-based Learning, Case-based Learning, Community-based Learning, and Project-based Learning. These methods are designed to provide in-depth practical experiences and shape the clinical competencies of future dentists.

Furthermore, the workshop not only focused on theoretical aspects but also emphasized the development of practical skills needed in the field.

“Good education is not only about theory but also about the practical skills that future dentists must possess,” explained drg. Fimma. 

She also mentioned that competency evaluation does not always need to be in numerical form but can be assessed narratively based on the skills demonstrated by students.

drg. Fimma stressed the importance of this curriculum reform to prepare graduates who are ready to face challenges in the workforce while providing the best care for patients. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which aims to provide quality and inclusive education for all. 

With collaboration and careful planning, this reform is expected to enhance the quality of dental education at FKG UGM and bring significant benefits to the future generation of dentists.

Authors: Pram, Anjar, & drg. Tjut Intan Permata Sari, Sp. PM.
Editor : Shinta


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