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Dr. Drg. Ananto Ali Alhasyimi: Inspirator for Academic Activities of Postgraduate Students at FKG UGM

Yogyakarta, 13 September 2024 The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) organized an academic support event for postgraduate students at the Margono Soeradji Building, FKG UGM. The purpose of this event was to provide insights and essential information that could enhance students' research skills and capabilities. Through this activity, students are expected to gain a better understanding of the various opportunities available in the field of research and academic development.

The event focused on two main themes: types of grants available for students as research members, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and the application process. This topic is crucial for students wishing to engage actively in research, as grants are one of the critical funding sources for carrying out various research projects. The speaker outlined the different types of grants available from both government and private institutions, along with the requirements necessary to apply for these grants.

Additionally, the event discussed the rules regarding citation of faculty publications, which is an important aspect of the academic world. With increasing attention to ethics in publishing, students need to understand the significance of proper citation in scholarly works. This discussion aimed to provide clear guidance on how to cite correctly, enabling students to respect the work of others and avoid plagiarism. With this knowledge, students are expected to improve the quality of their publications and better support faculty publications.

The event was led by Dr. Drg. Ananto Ali Alhasyimi, MDSc, Sp.Ort, a lecturer from the Department of Orthodontics at FKG UGM, who also serves as the Head of the Research Unit at FKG UGM. Dr. Ananto has extensive experience in research and scientific publishing and is expected to offer valuable insights to postgraduate students. With his expertise, he will guide students in understanding these two important themes in depth. This activity not only aims to enhance students' knowledge but also to motivate them to become more actively involved in research and publication in the future.

This opportunity is invaluable for expanding networks and improving academic capabilities. Through this academic support activity, students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities available and contribute to the development of knowledge, especially in the field of dentistry. The event serves as a solid first step for students in pursuing their academic success in the future.

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada is committed to creating an environment that supports research and academic excellence. By organizing events like this, FKG UGM aims to build students' capacity in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) khususnya pada tujuan ke-4 (Pendidikan Berkualitas), tujuan ke-3 (Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera), tujuan ke-9 (Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur), dan tujuan ke-17 (Kemitraan Untuk Mencapai Tujuan). Fokus pada penelitian biomedis dan layanan keuangan untuk hibah akan memberdayakan mahasiswa untuk terlibat dalam penelitian yang berdampak dan dapat berkontribusi pada kemajuan ilmu kedokteran gigi.

This activity emphasizes the importance of research funding, ethical publishing practices, and the overall development of students' academic skills. The faculty's dedication to building capacity and providing financial services for research grants reflects its commitment to nurturing future leaders in the field of dentistry.

Authors: drg. I Putu Arya Ramadhan, Al Haqi Insan Pratama


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