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UGM Dentistry Faculty Utilizes Natural Materials for Dental Biomaterials

As lecturers, it is essential to engage in the Tridarma of Higher Education, one of which is research. Research can foster the creation of innovative solutions that benefit many people.

Lecturers from the Department of Dental Biomaterials Science (IBKG) are actively involved in a community-funded research grant for 2024. This research is being conducted from March to December 2024.

The research focuses on the use of new and innovative materials derived from natural sources, including the use of silk fibers as endodontic post, and plant extracts like cashew tree bark and bay leaves as stain -cleaning and antibacterial mouthwash materials, among others.

The research schemes include various types, such as pure research, literature reviews, and thesis projects.

drg. Friska Ani Rahman, MDSc, a lecturer in this department, stated that the focus of the research is on exploring the use of new and innovative materials from natural sources, including silk fibers for endodontic post, and plant extracts like cashew tree bark and bay leaves as stain -cleaning and antibacterial mouthwash materials, among others.

Lecturers from the IBKG department involve various clinical departments at FKG UGM, as well as undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students in the research. This research aims to produce innovative biomaterials applicable in dentistry. Involving students in the research also serves as a means to implement the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program and supports their thesis work.

"This research is crucial for the advancement of dental science in Indonesia, particularly in the field of Biomaterials Science that I specialize in, especially in supporting better and more innovative dental practices," said drg. Mutiara Annisa, MDSc, on Wednesday (21 August). She also added that collaboration across various disciplines can broaden perspectives and create more comprehensive solutions.

Every year, all lecturers in the IBKG Department contribute to this program, which has produced a number of quality scientific works published in national and international journals. 

This research program is expected to continue evolving and provide tangible contributions to the development of science and technology in the field of dentistry and biomaterials, while also strengthening UGM's position as one of the leading research centers in Southeast Asia. 

Contributor: drg. Mutiara Annisa, MDSc | Author: Pram | Editor: Fajar Budi H.


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