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FKG UGM Lecturer Serves as Judge at the 17th Indonesian Association of Orthodontists Annual Meeting: Enhancing the Role of Indonesian Academics on the International Stage

Bali, 19-21 September 2024 — Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center witnessed the 17th Indonesian Association of Orthodontist Annual Meeting, a scientific event that brought together orthodontic experts, researchers, and clinical practitioners from both domestic and international settings. This three-day event, themed “Embracing the Current Contemporary Approach in Multidisciplinary Orthodontics” aimed to highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in addressing modern orthodontic cases. With speakers from various countries, this event has become one of the most prestigious scientific forums in Asia in the field of orthodontics.

One key figure playing a vital role in this event is Dr. drg. Cendrawasih Andusyana Farmasyanti, M.Kes., Sp.Ort, Subsp.DDTK (K), who currently serves as the Head of the Orthodontics Department at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM). Dr. Cendrawasih not only represented a leading academic institution in Indonesia but was also entrusted as one of the judges in the Scientific Poster Competition for category and Case Report held during the event. This competition was one of the main agendas, where researchers and practitioners from various countries presented their innovative research findings in orthodontics.

Dr. Cendrawasih’s role as a judge in this prestigious competition reflects recognition of her capabilities and contributions to the field of orthodontic academia and research. As a judge, she evaluated scientific posters from various national and international institutions covering the latest research topics in orthodontics. With her deep expertise, Dr. Cendrawasih provided strict and objective assessments of the quality of the presented research, emphasizing aspects of innovation, clinical relevance, and contributions to the development of orthodontic science.

The event also featured various scientific discussion sessions led by prominent speakers from around the world, addressing new developments in orthodontic technology and treatment methods. International speakers shared their experiences in applying the latest digital technologies in orthodontic practice, including the use of CAD/CAM devices and aligner-based treatments.

In addition to the competitions and scientific discussions, this event served as an important platform for orthodontic academics and practitioners to network and collaborate. Participants from across Indonesia and the globe exchanged ideas and experiences, as well as collaborated on future orthodontic care research or development projects. Dr. Cendrawasih’s presence as a judge in this forum also reflects Indonesia's strategic position within the international orthodontic community and strengthens FKG UGM's reputation as one of the leading dental education and research institutions in Southeast Asia.

By serving as a judge at this event, Dr. Cendrawasih not only brought recognition to FKG UGM and Indonesia on the international stage but also enhanced relationships among orthodontic academics from various countries. This aligns with FKG UGM's vision to continue innovating and contributing to the advancement of orthodontic science, both nationally and globally.

The event's focus on a multidisciplinary approach in orthodontics is crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), terutama pada tujuan ke-4 (Pendidikan Berkualitas), tujuan ke-9 (Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur), dan tujuan ke-17 (Kemitraan Untuk Mencapai Tujuan). Dengan mendorong kolaborasi dan pertukaran pengetahuan, pertemuan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas perawatan dan pendidikan ortodonti, yang pada akhirnya akan menguntungkan komunitas yang membutuhkan.

As the world continues to evolve, the role of academic institutions like FKG UGM becomes increasingly vital in shaping the future of orthodontics. Events such as the 17th Indonesian Association of Orthodontist Annual Meeting not only elevate practice standards but also inspire the next generation of orthodontists to pursue excellence in their field.

Authors: drg. I Putu Arya Ramadhan, Al Haqi Insan Pratama


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