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FKG UGM Strengthens Tri-Dharma of Higher Education through International Partnerships

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) remains actively engaged in establishing collaborations with various international institutions. These partnerships reflect FKG UGM’s commitment to implementing the tri-dharma of higher education, which encompasses education, research, and community service. The collaborations focus not only on enhancing the quality of education but also on advancing research and community service.

One notable community service initiative by FKG UGM involves partnering with the Stitching Sumbing Bibir organization from the Netherlands to provide care for patients with cleft lip abnormalities. Additionally, FKG UGM is collaborating with Dr. Clobo Healthcare Company from the United States to conduct health education programs in partner villages. The faculty is also involved in a global project organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) related to clinical practice guidelines for dental and oral health.

To improve educational quality, FKG UGM has received support from various international institutions. This includes a grant from the Borrow Foundation UK for a health promotion project in schools. Moreover, FKG UGM actively participates in student exchange programs with partner universities abroad. These programs aim to broaden students’ perspectives and enhance the quality of human resources in the field of dentistry.

Through these international collaborations, FKG UGM is not only able to elevate the quality of education and research but also makes significant contributions to public health both nationally and internationally. “These partnerships also reinforce FKG UGM’s position as a leading dental faculty in Indonesia,” said Bernadetha Laras Ayu Tholeta Suri, a staff member of the FKG UGM Cooperation Unit.

As challenges in dental and oral health become increasingly complex, international collaboration is essential. FKG UGM is committed to continuing its partnerships with various stakeholders to foster innovation and solutions that improve the quality of life for communities.


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