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Promoting Digital Dentistry, FKG UGM Conducts CAD/CAM Training

FKG UGM organized a workshop on using Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology in dentistry on Wednesday (24 April). The event, held at the CAD/CAM Laboratory on the 1st floor of the DLC Building, was conducted in collaboration with Dentsply Sirona.

The workshop featured presentations by Arya Ramadan Equipment Sales Specialist at Dentsply Sirona, aimed at participants, including faculty members, residents, and graduate students of FKG UGM. The session covered the CAD/CAM Workflow and the benefits of CAD/CAM technology in dentistry. 

"CAD/CAM technology can design and manufacture dental restorations such as splintcrowns, bridges, veneer, inlay, and onlay. Its application simplifies the traditional workflow by reducing the time and effort required to produce high-quality dental restorations," explained Arya Ramadan. When applied in conservative dental care, he emphasized the potential benefits of CAD/CAM technology. "With this technology, the quality of dental restorations can be enhanced, along with patient comfort and treatment time efficiency," he added.

CAD/CAM technology is not new in the field of dentistry. Originating from its widespread use in manufacturing industries, CAD/CAM was adopted by dental professionals in 1985 to revolutionize the fabrication of dental restorations and prostheses under the digital dentistrySince then, CAD/CAM utilization in dentistry has evolved, significantly benefiting dental healthcare providers and patients by efficiently and accurately producing complex dental restorations and prostheses. 

This workshop The CAD/CAM Technology Workshop in Dentistry is expected to support the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, particularly in research and community service.  

"Currently, FKG UGM is moving towards Digital Dentistryas evidenced by establishing a specialized unit, the Digital Dentistry Unit chaired by Drg. Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar, MPH., Ph.D., and the acquisition digital dentistry of CAD/CAM equipment in the FKG UGM Laboratory," stated drg. Henytaria Fajrianti, Sp.KG, as the CAD/CAM Supervisor at FKG UGM, is in her address. 

"The presence of CAD/CAM equipment at FKG UGM is expected to maximize its use for research and clinical activities. Moreover, we are fortunate to have such equipment at FKG UGM, eliminating the need to travel elsewhere for research purposes," emphasized drg. Henytaria. 

This activity is closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals , particularly Goal 3 Good Health and Well-BeingGoal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and Goal 17 Partnerships for the GoalsResearch and community service activities supported by digital technology in dentistry can foster numerous innovations to enhance human health. 


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