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76th Anniversary of FKG UGM: Sharpening Clinical Skills Through Hands-On Training 

In celebration of its 76th anniversary, the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) organized a series of scientific events throughout April 2024. The highlight of these events consisted of four main activities, one of which was a Seminar and Hands-On themed Digital Dentistry.

The Seminar and Hands-on took place on April 26-27, 2024, at the Dental Learning Center Building of the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM. Eight departments within FKG UGM collaborated to conduct the seminar and hands-on hands-on sessions, featuring five main topics:

  1. “Upgrading Skills in Dentoalveolar Surgery: Complicated Tooth Extraction” by the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery oleh Departemen Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial
  2. “Gingivectomy: State of the Art in Gingival Enlargement Management” by the Department of Periodontology
  3. Chairside Oral Mucosal Swabs for Detecting Soft Tissue Malignancies in the Oral Cavity” by the Department of Oral Medicine and Oral Biology
  4. “Achieving Long-Lasting Restoration in Patients with High Caries Risk Using Smart Restorative Materials” by the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Dental Biomaterials
  5. “Easy Digital Cephalometric Analysis with AI for Precise Treatment Planning in Orthodontics” in collaboration with the Departments of Orthodontics and Dentomaxillofacial Radiology.

These five seminars and hands-on sessions were conducted in parallel, with over 110 participants, including preclinical students, co-assistants, general dentists, and dental specialists. Each hands-on session hands-on was successfully held, with enthusiastic participation ranging from 14 to 31 participants 

The success of these hands-on activities, aimed at enhancing and refining clinical skills, was made possible through the hard work of the organizing committee and collaboration with several sponsors, including Stoothdy for Hands-On for the Hands-On by the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Hands-On dari Departemen Biomaterial Kedokteran Gigi dan Konservasi Gigi, Cobra Dental untuk Hands-On dari Departemen Periodonsia serta Oxyfresh untuk Hands-On by the Department of Oral Medicine and Oral Biology.

This initiative also demonstrates FKG UGM's commitment to supporting the realization Sustainable Development Goals including Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and Partnerships for the Goals.

Author: Nadia Fauzia | Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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